Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Picture Day

Today was picture day at Conor's school. Just in case the ones at school didn't turn out good, here is one from this morning. He is so darn cute!

Here is a picture of Beanie. She has grown quite a bit since we got her, but I think this is as big as she is going to get.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom and Uncle Ricky!

My Mom's and Uncle Ricky's birthday was last week and we celebrated with some steak on the grill and cake. Conor was very upset when he picked out the Dora cake and we wouldn't buy it for Nanny and Uncle Ricky.

Next, we had our lawn treated and scalped this past week. It looks fabulous! This guy did a great job on it. I am so ready for some nice green grass. I am going to redo my flower beds again. They totally overgrown with grass this past year. I don't know about you, but I thought that concrete curbing should have kept the grass out of my flowerbeds. Well, it didn't. So this year, I am going to transplant some Vinca from my Dad's house and let it grow like crazy. If I want color, then I will just put some shallow terracotta planters out with some annuals. That way, I don't spend a fortune on plants that will burn up and die. Sounds like a good idea. We will see if it works.

Conor has obviously learned his last name. For a nickname, we call him Conor Mac. It makes sense since his name is Conor McMahan (pronounced MACK-MA-HAN). The other day, someone called him Conor Mac and he quickly responded "I not Conor Mac, I Conor MACKERHAM" You guys have to hear it, it is absolutely hilarious!!!

Sunday, we went clothes shopping for Conor. I was certain that he would have grown into 3T's by now. After all, he is 3. Manufacturers must have changed sizing this year or something, because the 3T's he tried on fell right off. Literally. However, all the 3T shirts were too short. I think there is a conspiracy! So needless to say, we left Target with size 4T shirts and size 2T shorts. Talk about mismatched!

Here are some pictures taken of Conor tonight. He finally smiles when you say "Show me some teeth!"

You must excuse the Barbecue Sauce Moustache.