Sunday, September 24, 2006

So, fire me. It has been two weeks since my last I mean post :-)

Hello Everyone!

I know, I know. It has been two weeks since I posted last. I somehow developed a bad attitude towards my posting because I thought that no one ever reads it anyway. I mean I can't tell who if anyone is reading up on the McMahans. Then I got to thinking about how neat this will be when Conor gets older to see a week by week journal of our family....

We learned that Conor is allergic to Cashews. So anyone who is reading this that comes in contact with our family, please please please DO NOT give Conor a cashew. Better yet, no nuts of any kind just to be safe. We were hanging out at my parents house on Wednesday. Craig was eating some Honey Roasted Cashews and Conor came up to get one. Within a few seconds he complained that his tongue was hot. He started scratching at his neck. Next thing we know, he lips started to swell. Then his left eye nearly swelled (sp??) shut. Whoa! Talk about scared to death. We gave him a dose of Benadryl and the swelling went down quite a bit. His eye was back to normal by the next day. Here is a picture...

Moving on....Conor came down with a terrible cold on Friday evening. I noticed he had a cough on Thursday, but he acted fine so I wasn't worried. By Friday, he broke out in fever and threw up and stopped eating. Thank goodness his Dr.'s office is opened on Saturday. I had the phone in hand waiting for 9am to call for an appointment. By 930 we were sitting in the office. Conor's regular Dr was out, so we saw the other one in the practice. Conor had an ear infection. She seems to think he had strep too. Since she was going to put him on antibiotic, she opted not to test him for Strep. He felt bad enough, I didn't want to make it worse. After 24 hours of antibiotic he feels so much better. I hate it when he is sick. I know how bad you can feel, especially with fever.

My Mom and Dad had to return the Superman Halloween costume for Conor. He absolutely would not wear it. If you don't already know, he is going through is Buzz Lightyear/Power Ranger phase. He decided on the Buzz Lightyear costume. He actually put it on so we should be good to go for Halloween. It is a littl big, but anything smaller would have been too short. Get a good look, this may be the only time you see him in it. :-)

That is all for now!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I think we can finally throw the pacis out...

This weekend Craig and I went to a wedding down in Midland. It was a nice get away. Funny thing is we went back to the hotel, I worked on homework and Craig watched ESPN. We are so routine!!

Anyhow, Conor stayed with my Mom and Dad this weekend. I had taken all of his stuff over that Saturday morning, but somehow left his paci in the car. Yes, for all you readers out there Conor still used his paci. Not much, but usually when he gets really tired. Anyway, Craig and I take off for Midland not knowing we left the paci in the car. When we get back my Mom told me in secret that Conor went the entire weekend without it. As soon as we got home this evening, I hid them all in the cabinet. He never asked for it and even went to sleep without it!!! Yea!!!

I remember last week watching Super Nanny tackle the paci. She put them all in a bag and tied them to a tree telling the little girl that the paci fairy was going to come and take the pacis to the babies who needed them. The next morning the little girl went outside to the tree and instead of the bag of pacis she found a new baby doll. I was just convinced I was going to have to do the same with Conor. We will see how the next few days go. Craig is going to be out of town on business from Tuesday night through Friday and I may give in before the week is over with. Let's hope not.

They finally started building the house next to us. The trenches are there for the footings. I can't quite figure out what it is going to look like. You know me, Craig calls me nosey but I call it well informed. We can't wait to have neighbors. Hopefully, they are cool people. Kids would be nice too.

I end the blog with a couple of pictures from the wedding.
Have a great week!

The last picture is from my Janelle and Jay's wedding back in July. I had not seen these guys in almost 10 years. What a great reunion.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to Dad and myself!

WARNING: This is a really long entry. :0)

We are going to start this blog with Friday. I washed my cell phone in my jeans. I was on the phone when I got out of the car. My hands were full, so rather than throw my phone in my purse, I put it in my pocket. I do it alot at work, but generally I keep it in my purse. I was sitting in my chair and suddenly got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I jumped up and ran into the laundry room. Sure enough, I opened the washer in mid-cycle and there was the cell phone. This is the second expensive electronic item that I have managed to destroy in the last month. First the vacuum, now the cell phone. I made a comment about the dishwasher the other day and Craig said "watch it, don't break the diswasher". Hopefully, I am done breaking things. Then again, we have all heard the saying that things happen in three's.

We made it another year! For those of you who may not know, my Dad and I have the same birthday: September 4th is the Lucky Day!

It was a weekend full of celebration. I love it when my birthday falls on a holiday. It lasts the whole weekend. I had the day off work on Friday. My mom was off too and we took Conor to the Dr. For his Hepatitis A booster shot. It is getting harder and harder for Conor for shots. I think I have discovered a trick, though. Here is my secret. I take someone with me. I do the holding, so I am the bad guy. Then after the shot is done and over, Conor goes to the person who didn't hold him down for some much needed TLC. He only screamed for a second or two. Then all he wanted to talk about was his "owie" and how much it hurt. To take his mind off things, we went to McDonald's for lunch, then to the mall to play and see the puppies.

Saturday, we spent most of the day at home. We visited Craig's cousin for a bit. Then we went out for our birthday dinner. My Dad and I chose Texas Roadhouse. Great steak, but hostess sat us in the crappiest place. The booth was too small for 8 of us, so we ended up at two tables across from eachother. After dinner we were all too full for cake. We saved it for Sunday.

Moving on to Sunday... We all went to breakfast that morning, then on to Target. Target had a sale on the boy's jeans and t-shirts and Conor needed some for the cooler weather. The rest of Sunday we just hung out and my Dad cooked dinner for us. Then we had birthday cake!!

I promise I am not tired in this picture.

On Monday, since it was a holiday, we all got to spend yet another day together. We decided to go ahead any buy Conor's Halloween costume. I am always afraid that we will wait too long and they will be out of what we want. This year he will be Superman. He tried it on today, but not long enough for pictures. That is ok, we will save the pictures of Halloween.

On to the weather. It has been raining here since Friday! It was much needed, much welcome rain. I don't know exactly how much it was something like 3-4 inches I think. It was a slow rain, not a downpour. It finally cleared up this evening. I am kinda sad to see it go, but at the same time I and feeling the need to some sunshine.

Finally, I told you all I would update you on my first week of school. I am glad that I have made it through the first week of grad school. But, I think this will be my only class with UPhxOnline. There are two reasons why I am dissatisfied. #1: I am unhappy with the format of the class, it seems very unorganized and confusing. I am generally comfortable in the online setting, so many of my classes at Wayland were online and I did fine in those. #2: I saw my bill. Holy mackerel!!! $1900 for ONE stinkin' class. I am fairly certain that my adviser discussed the cost with me, but I am also fairly certain it wasn't that much. I am smarter than that. At that rate, I can only take 2 classes a year before my tuition benefits are used up at work. If I only take 2 classes a year, then I won't finish my graduate degree for another 4 years! YEA RIGHT! I started looking into other options, and I going to call West Texas A&M Online and see what they have to offer. On the WTAMUOnline they have a tuition calculator, I can take 3 classes there vs. The one at UOP.