Sunday, September 24, 2006

So, fire me. It has been two weeks since my last I mean post :-)

Hello Everyone!

I know, I know. It has been two weeks since I posted last. I somehow developed a bad attitude towards my posting because I thought that no one ever reads it anyway. I mean I can't tell who if anyone is reading up on the McMahans. Then I got to thinking about how neat this will be when Conor gets older to see a week by week journal of our family....

We learned that Conor is allergic to Cashews. So anyone who is reading this that comes in contact with our family, please please please DO NOT give Conor a cashew. Better yet, no nuts of any kind just to be safe. We were hanging out at my parents house on Wednesday. Craig was eating some Honey Roasted Cashews and Conor came up to get one. Within a few seconds he complained that his tongue was hot. He started scratching at his neck. Next thing we know, he lips started to swell. Then his left eye nearly swelled (sp??) shut. Whoa! Talk about scared to death. We gave him a dose of Benadryl and the swelling went down quite a bit. His eye was back to normal by the next day. Here is a picture...

Moving on....Conor came down with a terrible cold on Friday evening. I noticed he had a cough on Thursday, but he acted fine so I wasn't worried. By Friday, he broke out in fever and threw up and stopped eating. Thank goodness his Dr.'s office is opened on Saturday. I had the phone in hand waiting for 9am to call for an appointment. By 930 we were sitting in the office. Conor's regular Dr was out, so we saw the other one in the practice. Conor had an ear infection. She seems to think he had strep too. Since she was going to put him on antibiotic, she opted not to test him for Strep. He felt bad enough, I didn't want to make it worse. After 24 hours of antibiotic he feels so much better. I hate it when he is sick. I know how bad you can feel, especially with fever.

My Mom and Dad had to return the Superman Halloween costume for Conor. He absolutely would not wear it. If you don't already know, he is going through is Buzz Lightyear/Power Ranger phase. He decided on the Buzz Lightyear costume. He actually put it on so we should be good to go for Halloween. It is a littl big, but anything smaller would have been too short. Get a good look, this may be the only time you see him in it. :-)

That is all for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mika, I don't even know know you and I read your blogs. I know you were a special friend to Tracy, so I know you are special too. Like seeing pictures of Connor. Just thought you would like to know. Linell, Tracy's MOM