Monday, January 29, 2007

I burnt dinner...

My house smells like burnt hamburger meat and I am mad. I come home after a long day at work, really looking forward to skillet burgers. I am not one to touch raw meat, but I dug in carefully mixing all the ingredients. The skillet is ready to go (or so I thought). Now anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a terrible fear of not cooking meat all the way through. I tend to overcook everything because I am afraid of all the deadly diseases one can catch from raw meat. However, I honestly feel this did not contribute to what happened in my kitchen this evening. I put 3 patties in the skillet and turned around to watch the news. I noticed a little smoke filling the air, but quickly passed it off. The recipe I was following said cook five minutes on each side. But since I am scared to undercook meat, I left it for a little longer. I turn the patties and low and behold the underside is burnt to a crisp. The entire house was full of smoke. I had the vent on, the fan, and opened a few windows and waited for the smoke alarms to go off. Yes, it was that bad. So I had made four patties and ruined 3. I cooked the last one. Honestly, it was a crappy recipe. It either didn't taste good because I was mad or because it flat out wasn't good. Conor had a corn dog, and Craig had a sandwich. Aside from that, here are some pictures from the recent snow and other stuff.

Here is a cool picture of Conor sleeping.

Last but not least, I made a potty chart for Conor. We are having some great sucess with him going potty and I thought this chart would help him understand that working towards a goal pays off.

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