I don't know why I haven't been in the mood lately to blog. It's not like we have been all that busy, just the normal work and home stuff. We went through quiet a cold spell a few weeks ago and we just barely started to thaw out, when all of a sudden a blizzard hits on Monday. Crazy as it sounds, I am not kidding. The '
ol LBK is notorious for its off the wall weather and Monday was yet another example...let me give you a breakdown ...
- 12pm Sunday - the sun is out, it is around 75 degrees. Simply gorgeous weather.
- 6pm Sunday - cold front hits and temps drop to 45 degrees. The wind is horrible.
- 3am Monday - I wake to the sound of a creaking house. The wind is blowing so hard it is scary.
- 8am Monday - SNOW! huge snowflakes are flying horizontal.
- 1pm Monday - The sun is out and nearly all traces of our "blizzard" are gone!
I have been a lazy housekeeper. I literally have a pile of towels/sheets that have been sitting there for 3 weeks. Everything else is getting washed, I am too stinkin' lazy to do that load for some reason.
Conor is just as cute as can be. He talks like such a big person. Apparently, at school there was some discussion about good words and bad words. I picked Conor up the other day and he proceeded to tell me about one of his little friends saying a bad word at lunch. I asked (as anyone would) what did he say. Conor said "I can't tell you, because if I did I would have to go to time out". Craig and I couldn't help but laugh.
I decided to list some of his funny words/actions
- "last-morrow" This is his way of saying "yesterday" or "the other day"
- he has officially stopped calling my sister "lashy", he now calls her Ashlea
- He has been learning Spanish at school. He has a sheet from school with pictures on it and practices his Spanish. He is so smart
- He now references actions like "When I was a little boy.." for example - "I liked that movie when I was a little boy"
- He loves the song "Party like a Rock Star" by Shop Boyz and "Low" by Flo Rida. He request that I sing it to him in the car.
- He is becoming modest - He absolutely will not let his Daddy see him naked.
- When he asks for an apple, he requests that it be "naked" as in w/o the skin
- He loves to dip Cheetos in ketchup
- He dips apples slices in barbecue sauce
- He is already talking about he wants for Christmas and his Birthday
- He likes to pick toys out of his toy box and give them to you as "gifts"
- When he doesn't want to do something or go somewhere he throws himself on the floor and says "his legs hurt"
- In the car, no matter where we are going, he asks "Are we there yet?"
- On the way to my parents house, I was going to stop by another place first, when we passed the street we would normally turn on he yelled "Mommy, you missed the street to Nanny's house!!"
- When leaving the house if the car begins to back up without him buckled, he will tell whoever is driving to "STOP! I am not buckled yet!"
- He can sometimes be picky when it comes to clothes. I generally try to match him but sometimes he will argue with me that his clothes don't match.
- He likes to brush his teeth like 4 times a day, especially after he eats Cheetos.
- He is not much of a nose picker, but when he does pick he flips out when he has a booger on his finger
- He is NOT a morning person and he has to follow a very specific routine of: strawberry gotart pop tart, milk, and power ranger movie. If any of these are forgotten, our day does not start off well.
- He is very caring and thoughtful. When Craig had broke his ankle, Conor would ask "How is your foot doing?". When my Dad was sick last week, he would call and ask "How are you feeling, Papa?"
So we are gearing up for Spring....Soccer, yard work, going to the park, getting some sun! We are ready. The Soccer coach is going to call us next week some time so we will very soon know practices and game. I have pictures, but will post them later this weekend.
I am off the next two days...not sure what I am going to do yet but I will be enjoying the time nonetheless!!!
Check back soon for more updates!