Friday, March 14, 2008


I am sure you guys are anxiously awaiting soccer news....

We learned two things yesterday evening.
1) Conor isn't much for unfamiliar situations.
2) He is definitely my Son.

So lets just say our first Soccer meeting could have gone better. The parents and Coach are great. The kids are great too. Conor was excited. Right up until it was time for him to practice with the other kids. He clung to me like a dryer sheet and I missed most of the parent meeting. What I did manage to hear is that practices will be on Mondays at 5:30, first game is 3/29, and the uniforms are either black and red or black and white. Oh yeah, and his jersey # is 1.

Craig and I really believe that once he gets used to this he will love it. I could tell that he wanted to go play with the team, he was just so shy. When we asked him in the car why he didn't play, he said he was scared. When we asked why he was scared he said "because they didn't know my name and I didn't know their names".

So....more updates to come as the story progresses :-)

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