Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Introducing Beanie Baby Bella, the newest edition to the McMahan Family!

Well folks, the most unthinkable has happened. We have adopted a puppy. Luckily, there is a cool story behind it.

Last week, Craig was on his way to work as usual. For those of you who know, he takes the Loop 289 and North Quaker exit to get to work. Snuggled up against the curb he see a small black object resembling a glove/sock. The closer he gets he sees it move. He pulls over to investigate further. Low and behold a tiny baby chihuahua is lying in the road, shivering and freezing from the cold. He quickly scoops her up and puts her in the car. She has no tags. He takes her to a vet and she is checked out. Perfect bill of health and she is only 7 weeks old. She stays overnight for observation just to be sure.

I get home from work that afternoon and I am presented with the question "How much do you love me?" Any woman knows a conversation that starts that way can't be any good. Craig tells me the story of how, what, when, where, and why. I have to be honest, I am upset. We have talked about getting another dog, but we didn't commit to anything. I didn't think it was the right time. I didn't think Conor was old enough to truly understand the responsibility of having a puppy.

The next day, Craig brings the puppy home. I like dogs, but I am not a crazy dog person. I mean, I could live a full happy life without one. Anyway, Craig walks in with this puppy that weighs no more than a pound and is no bigger than my hand. Honestly, she is the cutest thing I have seen. Conor thinks so too!

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