Friday, April 25, 2008


Soo...I made an appointment with the Dr. today. The rash seemed to go away, but now I have terrible swelling in my hands and feet. I mean bad. I can't hold a pen or open bottles. My feet and ankles are so swollen that it hurts to walk. What the heck happened to me??? I am no petite girl, but swelling hands and feet are so not my deal. Something is really wrong. At the Dr's office, the PA is still standing by the original diagnosis that I had a "sensitivity" to the Antibiotics. Not allergy, but sensitivity. Whatever it is, it is really bad. I got a lovely steroid shot this afternoon and at the moment I really can't tell it has done any good. I don't "do" Dr's but it seems that weird ailments keep popping up on me more often. I guess it comes with age. So say a little prayer for me. Let's hope the swelling goes down by Monday and that I don't accidentally get prescribed Amoxicillin anymore....


Monday, April 21, 2008


I learned today that Antibiotics and the Good 'ol Sun DO NOT MIX. My goodness, they put the warning on the freakin' bottle for a reason. So I had STREP for the 6th time in less than 12 months. Friday morning, I knew something was wrong. Since I am the Strep queen, I can smell it coming from a mile away. I went to the Dr. Friday morning and sure enough, the Strep test came back positive. I have an appointment with an ENT in 3 weeks to discuss a tonsillectomy. Who would have thought, 29 years old and having my tonsils taken out. Anyhow, back to my incident in the sun. Monday is soccer practice and I was ready to get some nice sun, while at practice. I am sitting there and within 10 minutes I started to itch really bad on my legs. I was thinking it was the grass or something. 20 minutes go by and I am hurting....I looked down and I could not believe what I saw. It looked like I had a measles, chicken pox, and some kind of terrible skin disease all at once. Now hours later, it feels like someone is poking me with a thousand little needles...Ugghh..

Conor is doing great in Soccer. I don't believe we have won a game, but it's not about the winning right? Those little guys get out there and try, you can't ask for anything more. I am simply delighted that Conor is even out there without bribery. He actually enjoys it. He listens to his Coach, plays well with the kids. He isn't very outgoing, but that will come with time.

Not much else is going on. Craig is getting closer day by day to the big 3-0. We are planning a little shindig...More to come about that soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's been a minute..

I don't have my camera near me to add pictures, so you will just have to read for now. Craig and I aren't feeling very well right now. Not sure what the deal is. I am already dressed in my PJ's and could fall asleep any minute now. Conor is chugging along in Soccer. He is getting better, but since he is a shortie, he has a hard time keeping up with the bigger kids. He gives his heart and soul when he practices, well except for today. All the kids were kinda blah. I think I would be too if I had practice on Monday. Just for the record, Monday practices were not my idea. The weather is getting nicer, I think this week we will be in the 80's with one day near 90. I am very proud to report that Conor Mac is sleeping in his room 100% now. It was quite the struggle for the longest time. He tucks himself in, goes to sleep on his own, and knows not to get out of bed until the clock says "6". Most mornings, I have to wake him up which is just wonderful!! So since I don't have pictures, I am going to leave you with the top 20 fun facts about Conor...

1. Conor is learning about bugs at school. He loves the work "pupa". He laughs when he says it

2. His diet mostly consists of chicken. He very rarely eats red meat. Hot dogs and corn dogs are still at the top of his list.

3. He is dying to go camping in the back yard with his Daddy. I can't wait to see if he will make it through the night in the backyard

4. Everyday when we leave daycare, all his friends say "Conor can I come to your house". I guess I need to have a spring party and invite his friends over from school.

5. He says excuse me when he burps.

6. He is relatively neat for the most part. Sometimes he throws a fit when he has to pick things up.

7. He has the sweetest face.

8. He loves his puppy and is always concerned about her.

9. He will randomly tell you he loves you and doesn't want anything in return.

10. We went to the cemetery to take flowers to my Papa and Grandma. He said "This isn't their house, this is a garden." When I explained to him they were in Heaven with God, he said next week we will get a spaceship and go see them.

11. He repeats "Mommy" or "Daddy" over and over and over again. But never finishes what he started to say.

12. When he doesn't nap, everybody better move out of the way around 3pm in the afternoon. He is a terror.

15. He loves Power Rangers, The Backyardigans, Spongebob, and Transformers.

16. He likes to help Nanny with the laundry, but he is never interested at home.

17. He regularly asks to spend the night with my parents.

18. The other day it rained and hailed. That was the first time he was scared from the storm.

19. He has 5 freckles on his nose.

20. He has a little pot belly like my Papa did. Right after dinner is when it sticks out really far. Now since he is playing soccer, it is starting to flatten out.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hello Readers..

Every few months or so, I get curious as to who all reads my blog. I have a ticker that shows how many hits I get and I get them regularly. It is exciting to see that people from all over are interested in my family.

Sooo...leave me a comment and tell me who you are. You don't have to get in depth, just a line or two about you and what you like about my blog. Don't worry, I am not crazy, if I didn't want people to know about my family I wouldn't have a blog! :-)

Simply click on the link to the lower right near the word "audience" below that says "comments" and drop me a line.

I look forward to learning more about my audience!